Please read our full Code of Conduct below

Attire: Please wear form fitting clothing that covers the backs of the knees and upper arms, and that will not ride up when upside down. Students are encouraged to wear layers for warming up, and will be asked to remove all jewelry and any clothing with zippers or other components that could get caught on equipment. Instructors reserve the right to ask a student to sit out if their clothing could cause injury to themselves, the Instructor, or the equipment.
TriCity Circus is not responsible for lost or stolen valuables that are brought to class. All belongings can be placed beside the training floor.

Lateness: It is dangerous to participate in aerial activities without being properly warmed up. Students are expected to arrive on time, ready to participate in the warm up. If you are late, you will be asked to warm yourself up before joining the class. If you arrive while a new skill is being taught, you may need to sit out for that skill.

Photos, Video and Mobile Devices: Please place your phone on silent mode and leave it in your bag. Mobile devices are generally not permitted on the training floor. Photos and video may be permitted from time to time at the Instructor’s discretion. Please ask the Instructor before taking pictures or video, and avoid capturing anyone else in the shot. Video of Instructors teaching is never permitted.

Equipment: Equipment may be used during class time and Open Gym only. Instructors are not able to guarantee proper supervision outside of these times.
Instructors and trained staff are the only people permitted to touch the rigging.
All rigging and apparatus undergo a thorough inspection every 30 days.
We believe in educating students about the equipment they are using in class. The more educated we all are, the safer we are as a community. Students may be asked to help set up or strike equipment before or after class, and will be guided through the proper handling and use of it.

Viewing: Parents are permitted to watch the class from the waiting area. However, parents/spectators are asked to remain quiet throughout the class and avoid interacting with the students while the class is in progress. Parents/spectators may be asked to leave if their behaviour is disruptive or intrusive.

Spotting/Physical Contact: Due to the risk involved with these physical activities, spotting techniques are used to decrease the risk and assist students through the movements. If you are uncomfortable with being touched, please let your Instructor know and they will respect that, except in an emergency when physical contact would prevent injury.

Progression: Circus and Aerial Arts are challenging. Our curriculum is progressive, and it is normal for students to stay in the same level for two or three sessions before moving on. Please try to have patience with the learning process; Instructors will move students through the levels at a rate that is right for each individual.

Bumps and Bruises: Due to the nature of aerial and circus arts, bumps, bruises, small scrapes, friction burns, and sore muscles can and will happen from time to time. Slight discomfort, especially at the beginning of training and when learning new moves, is normal. If there is pain beyond normal discomfort, notify your Instructor immediately.
Your health is very important to us. Please notify your Instructor of any injuries or physical limitations before class and they will do their best to modify the movements.


  • Stay on the floor and give the instructor your full attention when receiving instruction.

  • Please encourage your fellow students, but do not teach or spot them unless specifically asked to by an Instructor.

  • Work within your level of knowledge and physical ability. Do not attempt new moves learned from Instagram or YouTube, and remember that you are the only one who knows how you are feeling in the moment so you must be responsible for coming down to the ground and taking breaks when needed.

  • Stay off the equipment until class begins.

  • We learn everything on or near the ground until you are strong and confident enough to take the skill/move higher. Your instructor will make these calls.

  • Never jump off of or onto the equipment. Always touch the floor before letting go.

  • Students are encouraged to take notes in class to better remember skills and moves.

  • Respect the equipment and use it for its intended purpose only.


The mission of the TriCity Centre for Circus Arts is to empower and inspire every student through participation in circus arts by providing a strong community where people of all ages can push through challenges, express themselves, grow, and feel a sense of belonging, while respecting and teaching to the real physical and mental demands of training a circus discipline.

In pursuing our mission, the staff and owners of TriCity Circus vow to conduct themselves in ways that align with the following values:

  • Cultivate curiosity in the practice of circus arts by encouraging students to explore, follow the things that spark their interest, ask questions, seek their own answers, and celebrate their discoveries along the way. We are here to guide them safely along their path of discovery, not serve as trick dictionaries.

  • Produce safety focused, knowledgeable students and performers that uphold the culture of safety at our studio, and in the broader circus community.

  • Focus on empowering students to take ownership of and responsibility for their learning and development by challenging them to make connections and problem solve.

  • Maintain a safe, clean, and welcoming space that students and staff look forward to spending time in. We will build a community that makes people want to come each week, even if they can’t train, just to be here.

  • Celebrate each student’s journey by recognizing that everyone learns differently and doing our best to find the right approach for them. 

  • Display humility in our words and actions so that we foster an atmosphere of positivity, openness, and willingness to learn and grow.

  • Celebrate and encourage perseverance by reminding students to paddle their own canoe; it can be a mess, but we show up and do our best, which is the most important thing.

  • Foster a sense of self-efficacy, confidence, and resilience in young students. We have a special place in their lives that allows us to ask more, push further, and help them grow in ways their parents and teachers don’t get to do. With this privilege comes a great responsibility to be a role model and leader.

  • Always bear in mind the anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy by treating all staff and students with respect and dignity, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, creed, status, or citizenship.

  • Respect the privacy of staff and students by keeping information confidential, except in the case where there is a duty to report.

  • Respect and work within a professional scope of practice, with the wisdom to refer students to the appropriate instructor or practitioner when appropriate.

We are committed to providing a positive, safe, inclusive environment. We welcome students of all levels of ability, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Behaviour that is known or ought to be known by a reasonable person as disruptive, disrespectful, demeaning, or unsafe will not be tolerated, whether it is aimed at another student, or at a staff member. Any student or guest who violates our Code of Conduct will be asked to sit out or, in extreme or repeated situations, they will be asked to leave.

Students are required to show respect for instructors, staff, and other students by:

  • Giving their full attention to the instructor while they are being given instructions.

  • Staying off equipment before class unless expressly given permission.

  • Staying on task and working on what the instructor has asked them to work on.

  • Taking responsibility for their learning by making an attempt to review and remember material between classes.

  • Wait patiently for the instructor’s attention when they have a question.

The following behaviours will not be tolerated, and may result in the student being asked to sit out or leave the class (no refunds will be given when our Code of Conduct has been violated):

  • Using a disrespectful tone with instructors and staff, or carrying an unwelcome attitude into the space. Each of us is responsible for the energy we bring into a space, and negative or hostile energy is felt by everyone.

  • Interrupting the instructor while they are teaching or managing the class.

  • Working on something other than what has been assigned.

  • Working on skills that have not been taught and/or approved by the instructor.

  • Engaging in dangerous behaviour or activities in the facility, such as working too high, running through the facility, jumping on and off equipment, etc.

  • Any other behaviour that is known or ought to be known by a reasonable person as disruptive, disrespectful, demeaning, or unsafe.